Mittwoch, 26. Januar 2011

The Space Invader who invaded Paris

Shortly after my arrival in Paris I spotted for the first time one of this cute looking mosaic on the wall of some bourgeois house in Montmartre. Back then I had no idea that this colorful ufo is not alone, but a member of a big Parisian family. During my promenades on the streets of Paris I began to feel pursuited by this lovely little creatures that occupy the tristement gray walls of numerous buildings. But where do they come from, I wondered. The relevation came to me with a brand new Banksy documentary about modern slash street art- Exit through the gift shop which is known in France as Faites le mur! In his first motion picture the most famous and admired street artist of our time reveals the mechanism of modern art and its degradation to a simple business affaire where a good marketing strategy can retouch the absence of talent. Among the street artists interviewed I was happy to find the so-called Space Invader- the author of my beloved Parisian ufo-mosaics. He also happens to be brother of the main charakter and who is not Banksy... Well, up to you to watch the movie and find out further.

and here are some invaders:

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